Eucharistic Adoration
• Eucharistic Adoration in parishes should incorporate prayers for Vocations.
• Only a Church in love with the Eucharist "generates holy and numerous priestly vocations,"
• Religious formation depends on drawing close to the Lord Jesus, on visiting Him.
Ever mindful of the need to foster vocations, On November 24, 2004 Pope John Paul the Great blessed Six three feet high gold plated Monstrances with the specific intention that they be used throughout the world i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Canada, South America and Oceania to promote Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They are a symbol of the connection between the Eucharist and the Priesthood.
Eucharistic Adoration has proved to be a decisive factor in attracting vocations to the priesthood. The reason is simple: it is a vocations strategy that came from Christ Himself, when He told the apostles to “ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the harvest.”
Vocations Guide to Priesthood
Eucharistic Adoration is especially effective because it draws sharp attention to the great gift that makes the priesthood so extraordinary and so needed – without the priesthood we would not have God’s real presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Silent Eucharistic Adoration inevitably leads to the question, “What do you want me to do, Lord?”
Do you want more vocations in your diocese? Promote Eucharistic Adoration!
The “SIX30", weekly youth hour of Eucharistic adoration in St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne (which is sponsored by the archdiocesan agency, Catholic Youth Ministry) has been running continuously every week since late 2000. It is known as “Six30” because it starts at this time. This Holy Hour began as a response to the request of young people who had been to World Youth Day in that year. Since that time thousands of young people have gathered for prayer, praise and fellowship.
Like so many vocations-rich dioceses in the English-speaking world, this Melbourne school of prayer has provided young people with a place of quiet and contemplation. At the same time it has enabled them to discover a regular opportunity for prayer in their otherwise hectic lives as students and workers. Many of the young men have mentioned the “SIX30 Holy Hour” as a key aid in deepening their faith and ultimately in discovering their vocation to the priesthood.